Saturday, August 30, 2008

Service Learning and Versailles!

Greetings from Paris!

On Friday our group once again helped to provide lunch for some folks at the American Cathedral in Paris. The other volunteers and diners were excited to see us back again. Interestingly, two of the other volunteers have Seattle roots. One of the volunteers graduated from Nathan Hale High School and the other raised a family in Spokane for years. They were impressed to see Shoreline students in Paris!

Some of the group also returned to the Louvre on Friday night to take advantage of the free entry for those under 26 years old on Friday night. They just needed more of the aesthetic power of the Louvre's enormous collection.

Today, the group spent a long and warm day at Versailles. The 18th century palace provides an overwhelming example of 18th century power, money, and art. Quite a change from the day before! We were fortunate enough to see one of the fountains on display, but the day was long and the group did a lot of walking. Tomorrow, a day of rest--which everyone needs!

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